Thursday, August 11, 2011

My CJ is 4 Months Old!!!!!

I have had the incredible blessing of being the mother to CJ for 4 months now. I can't believe it's been that long. He has grown sooo much from the day he first brought a smile to my face. CJ now lifts his head up when he is laying on his stomach...which eventually leads to him rolling over on his back. Check out the video...

Wow too cute I must say. The other day CJ also reached for me. I mean a real reach. Then I soon scared him with my screech of excitement. Everyday it's something new. Tomorrow he has his 4 month checkup with the Dr. I will get an official weight and length. I measured and weighed him on my own and he is 15lbs and 24 inches. Goodness my big boy!!
CJ sound asleep after a couple hours of constant attention at a BBQ.

CJ fresh outta the bath lifting that big 'ol head once again :)

Big Cory and I both agree...CJ looks like his grandad in this pic!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! He is getting so big and doing so many things. CJ is growing up fast. Savor every moment.

