Saturday, September 3, 2011

Some Quality Time in Scottsdale, AZ

CJ and I are so blessed. My mother took us on a lil vacation to a very nice resort in Scottsdale, AZ. It was a lot of fun...although CJ missed his bouncer. He got to swim in the kiddie pool which he just loved. He got to relax and get waited on hand and foot but that isn't anything new. hahaha

Chilling by the was sooo hottt!!

CJ enjoying the king size bed

Quick Learner

I love this video. CJ learned how to jump/bounce so quickly!!

All Smiles!!

CJ has definitely got the hang of showing his favorite people a little smile. He is such a happy baby. If he doesn't know you then you will probably wont see it. He also hides them when the camera comes out...but his Mina and I have learned a few tricks to catch him mid-smile :)

My Favorite Pics this week

A few pics that just warm my heart....

CJ sharing a nap with Mina

Lifting his head!


CJ Likes his Cereal

I'll be heading back to work soon so I have been trying to get CJ to eat baby cereal.  He actually seems to like it. YAY! He makes a big mess...but that is what babies do. Pretty soon it will be the good stuff! Here we come baby food lol.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

CJ's First Sporting Event...Aces Baseball Game!

My mom and I took CJ to his first sports event. It was a baseball game for the Reno Aces. He nor I really paid attention to the game but he really enjoyed being outside and looking at all of the interesting new people around him. He did so well especially since he was passed around so much. It was Military Night and all of my mom's friends that were there just had to have some of his attention. I didn't like that so much but it's the price you pay when you have an adorable baby. I dressed him in a cute lil baseball outfit too! Can't wait for the next game.

New Toys!

I couldn't help myself...CJ was in need of some new toys. He gets bored so easily. I got him a play mat so he could practice his tummy time and control of his hands. He also got a jumper...which he loves! Pics and video below. I ordered them online and I was so excited to see his reaction to his new toys. When they finally arrived his eyes were glued on them as I was putting them together. He was so curious. I can't wait for Christmas!!

CJ using his jumper for the first time...I had it a little low so it was more like a walker. We are still working on him actually jumping in it :)

CJ exploring his new play mat!

My CJ is 4 Months Old!!!!!

I have had the incredible blessing of being the mother to CJ for 4 months now. I can't believe it's been that long. He has grown sooo much from the day he first brought a smile to my face. CJ now lifts his head up when he is laying on his stomach...which eventually leads to him rolling over on his back. Check out the video...

Wow too cute I must say. The other day CJ also reached for me. I mean a real reach. Then I soon scared him with my screech of excitement. Everyday it's something new. Tomorrow he has his 4 month checkup with the Dr. I will get an official weight and length. I measured and weighed him on my own and he is 15lbs and 24 inches. Goodness my big boy!!
CJ sound asleep after a couple hours of constant attention at a BBQ.

CJ fresh outta the bath lifting that big 'ol head once again :)

Big Cory and I both agree...CJ looks like his grandad in this pic!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

CJ's Big Man Dance

Just a quick clip of CJ doing his "Big Man Dance." LOL I always think he is trying to puff his chest up to look bigger when he does this. :)

Finger Tasting Good!!

CJ has this new obsession with his fingers. Smack smack...suck suck...that's all I hear nowadays lol. While feeding him, sometimes he will stop and actually put his hand in his mouth like those fingers taste better. He doesn't use a pacifier so I guess his fingers have taken the place of that. I'll let him have his little habit now but I don't want a 3 year old who constantly has his hands in his mouth..Not like his daddy used to do hahaha. To be continued :)..............

CJ sucking on those freshly washed fingers

CJ's dad when he was younger...sucking on his thumb. :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Favorite Pic of the Week (7/22/11)

CJ just finished a big meal and had to take some time to relax. He looks like such a grown man in this picture. Chillin' like his daddy :)

CJ's First Taste of Cereal

CJ is breast fed and boy he does not skip a meal. Pretty much the only time he gets mad is when he is hungry. The other day my mom suggested I try baby cereal so he could stay fuller longer. He ate about 6 lil spoonfuls till he was over it. It was just the introduction though so I'll ease him into it.

CJ is 3 months old!!

OMG! My lil man is 3 months old.. well actually now that I am writing this he will be 4 months soon. He is learning so much! He is so observant and curious. He speaks a lot more. He will grab for things and smile when something or someone entertains him. He is growing so much as well. Just yesterday I weighed him... 15lbs! OMG big Boy! :) Can't wait to see what he will show me next!

Florida Roots...and saying Goodbye to Daddy

So the Florida trip... Well I just got to say I am so blessed to have such a good child. I was extra nervous about how it would be to travel with a little one but it really wasn't that bad. Our flight to Florida was a red eye which actually worked out for the better because we didn't have to deal with the crowds and CJ slept for most of the time.  I got a little shut-eye too!

Cory's family couldn't get enough of CJ of course!! He got to meet all of his aunt's, uncles, many of his cousins, his grandparents and his great grandparents. It was quite a fun week. CJ did so good too. He was passed around all day and never got upset by anyone. He is a people person for sure! CJ also got to see his first fireworks at the family's annual 4th of July Picnic. He was so amazed. It got too smokey though and the mosquitoes were hungry so I only kept him outside for a little bit. I was so happy he finally got to meet his dad's side of the family. I hope we get to go back soon so CJ keeps that connection! We love Florida :) The only sad part of the trip was that we had to part from Daddy. He had to stay behind so he could finish his last semester of school. Tears :( CJ definitely misses him. He was extra fussy the days after we returned to Las Vegas. Every now and then his dad sends us videos so CJ can see him. When Big Cory calls I'll put him on speaker and CJ's eyes light up and get big! Hopefully we will get a visit from his dad in September!!!

CJ and his GG

Wow!! It's been quite awhile since I have posted anything. We have been busy traveling across the country and even moving back to Reno. Now we are settling in so I should be able to post more often. So Where did I leave off??...

Well a few weeks ago my Grandma, CJ's GG, came to visit us in Las Vegas. CJ loved her! I'm pretty sure he smiled at her immediately. I guess she is a pro at making a child feel happy and comfortable. I wish we lived closer so CJ could get to know her better but the time they did get to spend together was great! We took some professional pictures when CJ was 9 weeks. We hope you get to visit again soon GG!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Favorite Pics of the Week- Catch Up

I was looking through my phone photo album which is all about CJ now. There are a lot of pics I haven't added to the blog but they are so cute I have to put them up. These were all taken within the past 2 weeks.
My New FaceBook Photo :) We were headed to his Auntie Anette's HS graduation

Those cheeks!! Those lips!! I love 'em!!

CJ taking a nap with his Daddy <3

CJ meeting my best buddy Casey for the first time---That was also Casey's first time holding a baby! They both did great! :)

CJ Talking to his Monkeys

Just a lil quick video I forgot to add last week. CJ is enjoying his lil monkeys. They come in handy when we need to keep him entertained for a moment. He will usually be into them for 10 minutes until he gets bored hahaa.

CJ and his Auntie Anette

CJ's bond with his Auntie Anette is growing. Anette has always been helpful with CJ but gets a little anxious when he starts crying, as I am sure anyone who has not really been around babies would be. Still I have noticed lately that Anette has started to get past the fear of CJ's cry and really get to enjoy him. He loves to crack a lil smile for her..which adds evidence to her claim that she is his favorite..after me and his daddy of course. I don't know if his Mina would agree with that though lol.

CJ Discovered his Foot!

This morning CJ and I were having our morning chat and he spotted something new. The expression on his face was adorable as his eyes got big and he stared down at his foot. I wish I had a camera handy!! It took him a few minutes to coordinate his hands and arms to reach out and touch it. I am sure in a week or so he will be able to reach down and have a firm grip on his newly discovered foot. Hahaha too cute!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

CJ's Two Month Milestones!!

Oh Wow!! I am so amazed that CJ is already 2 months old. Didn't I just blog about him being 1 month?? He is growing and picking up on things so quickly. He has his own baby vocabulary now that just melts my heart. He also has given just about everybody a definite smile. CJ loves to stick out his tongue and chew on his hand. Uh oh..he may start teething soon!  CJ recognizes his name and my voice! He knows his mommy is! I love my lil man!

Favorite Pic of the Week (6/10/11)

Ahahaha CJ delivers with another silly face. This one is a little blurry but it still leaves me tickled pink. :) This was CJ and Dad spending some time together after not seeing each other for 3 days b/c Cory couldn't join us on the road trip. Aww how I love them!

CJ's First Road Trip

On Friday, Cj, Mina, Anette and I set out for Reno. It took us about 7 hours and went very well. I was a little worried about how my lil man would do but I should have known he was going to be great. Road trips are in his blood lol.
He started off bright-eyed, talking and making silly faces at his mommy. If only he knew he was about to spend his whole day in a car seat!
Once we got moving...he was knocked out about five minutes into the trip. That's my boy!

While in Reno CJ met a lot of new people. He got to meet his Hawaiian Aunts who just happened to throw us a second baby shower. It was a lot of fun and CJ got more clothes diapers and money to get other goodies.He got to meet pretty much everyone who works at the Nevada National Guard! And of course he got lots of love from his mommy's closest friends. CJ was so calm throughout the trip too! He was passed around so much and although I was a lil anxious about that he just took it all in. He even cracked a smile for a few ladies :).  I heard 100 times how alert and strong he is because he will gaze so intensely at the people around him and he holds/turns his head so effortlessly. Overall it was a good trip that gives me hope for the next big one...Florida!! We are going so CJ can meet his Daddy's family! Of course we will not be driving that one..but I just hope he is not THAT baby on the plane that disrupts everyone else. I think he will be fine though. 2 weeks...stay tuned!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Favorite Pic of the week (5/31/11)...

Actually I have a few..with some videos. This past weekend we went to the mall while his daddy was at work. I thought CJ's outfit was so cute he coulda been in a baby magazine. He and I were matching! His Mina had got him some new baby hats and they just made the outfit! In the video he wasn't that happy but that's just cause he hadn't seen how adorable he was in his outfit LOL.  In the second video he felt a little better about himself. His dad would say he got that swag..hahaha.

So Close to Getting a Smile!!

My son is sooo advanced! I know...Every parent thinks that about their child, but really...CJ is SMART! He has already learned to rollover on to his back from his stomach. He can stand up when he has a little extra support from either me or his daddy. He sleeps about 5 hours straight at night, thank goodness!!

One of my favorites of CJ's many milestones are the little coo sounds he is beginning to make. When I talk to him he tries so hard to hold his very own conversation with me. It is so adorable. My heart smiles every time. I can't wait till he says his first word... Mama :). Ok, well knowing how he is with his dad it will probably be Dada.

Soon to come...CJ's million dollar smile. CJ is so close to giving me a genuine smile. Of course I have seen him smile either when he is dreaming or when he simply can't control his facial I guess they kind of aren't real smiles but it is coming! I give it a week!! I love my lil man!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Favorite Pic of the Week (5/20/11)

This is my favorite picture taken this week. I managed to capture CJ flashing a smile!! He is sooo handsome! Love my lil man...

Cory joined in on the picture action and added some special effects.... The Black/white is my fave!

CJ gets some Mina time

Only a few people could keep me away from my lil man for more than a few hours.... guess that means I really love Cory lol. We are going to Phoenix, AZ so Cory can tryout for the United Football League. We are driving tonight and will be back tomorrow night. I know it's a really short trip but I haven't even left yet and I'm already missing my baby. He is going to be in the best hands tho...

CJ will get to spend some time with his Mina!! Lucky boy...I wonder what they will do??? CJ will get spoiled of course lol. Hopefully Mina will get to post the details later. 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

CJ's Big Blowout!!

CJ gave me and his daddy quite an adventure today, or should I say he taught us a lesson. We went to a birthday party for the daughter of a friend of ours. It was CJ's first time being around a bunch of other little kids so I had to make sure my son looked cute. Check out his summertime outfit below:
So I thought I was doing good.. my son looked cute, dad looked good and I had my little sundress on. Gosh..we shoulda took a family pic!! I had everything packed..extra diapers, wipes, bottle w/ formula, pacifier and spit rag. We were set. So we get the party and CJ is pretty well behaved. He got a little fussy so Cory decided to change him before we fed him his bottle. During his feeding Cory kept saying CJ felt wet..but he had just changed him. Then he looked at his own shirt and saw some orange/yellow liquid. He looked at CJ and sniffed him...uh oh. CJ had a blowout!!

And when I say blowout, I mean there was poop everywhere!! On his back, coming out the diaper, soaking his clothes. It was so disgusting as you can see by the pic. Yet all I could do was laugh. We took CJ out to the car because I realized that in my extra perfect preparation for the day I forgot to bring a change of clothes. Yikes!! So Cory cleaned him up in my car and decided to remove his shirt and just let him go the rest of the time in the overalls. Hey new parents... we are still learning. CJ is a new baby.. he is still teaching us! LOL But I will never make that mistake again. FUN times and lesson learned!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

My Fave Pic of the Week .....

This pic is soo cute!! For once CJ is looking at the camera and doesn't have a bug-eyed shocked look LOL. Love it!!

CJ is One Month Old!!

My son has brightened my days for one full month now. Amazing!! Time has gone by sooo fast, I can't believe it. Tuesday was the official day. CJ had a doctor's appointment that day. He weighed 10.5 lbs and was 21 inches long.  CJ has gained almost 4 lbs and has grown 3 inches in his first month. Goodness!! My boy is getting so big but I'm not surprised with amount he has been eating lately. I am so blessed to be have been able to spend as much time as I have with him over the past few weeks. Everyday there is a new discovery! He is just starting to make noises other than crying lol. He is getting better control of his wild arms and hands, although he did punch me in the nose the other day...I hope it wasn't on purpose :) CJ was so beautiful when he was born, my lil grown man baby, but he is really turning into such a handsome lil fellow. I love you CJ!

Monday, May 9, 2011

My First Mother's Day

Yesterday I got to celebrate my very first Mother's Day. I am so proud to be Cory Jr.'s mom. Already I am turning into one of those mom's... LOL. I could literally stare at him for hours. He is just beautiful....he is mine. I totally get it now when other moms I know describe that unconditional love. He already has my heart. I get excited when I think about what the future has in store for my son and for me as a mom. I hope that I can give him the values and beliefs that will guide him towards the right path and will take him far. Everyday he is changing! It's amazing to know as a woman, as a mother, that I carried this precious little baby inside of me. Wow..women truly are amazing.

CJ got me some chocolate, slippers, and a DVD of the movie Not Easily Broken.  Thanks my love!! CJ and I got his Mina a cool little running shirt that has his picture on it (below) with the words " You lookin' at my Mina?" She loved it!!

Although I have only been his mother for a month, and my life has completely changed, I am happy and excited for the lifetime of memories and many more Mother's Days I get to share with my child. CJ, Mommy loves you!!