Monday, June 27, 2011

Favorite Pics of the Week- Catch Up

I was looking through my phone photo album which is all about CJ now. There are a lot of pics I haven't added to the blog but they are so cute I have to put them up. These were all taken within the past 2 weeks.
My New FaceBook Photo :) We were headed to his Auntie Anette's HS graduation

Those cheeks!! Those lips!! I love 'em!!

CJ taking a nap with his Daddy <3

CJ meeting my best buddy Casey for the first time---That was also Casey's first time holding a baby! They both did great! :)

CJ Talking to his Monkeys

Just a lil quick video I forgot to add last week. CJ is enjoying his lil monkeys. They come in handy when we need to keep him entertained for a moment. He will usually be into them for 10 minutes until he gets bored hahaa.

CJ and his Auntie Anette

CJ's bond with his Auntie Anette is growing. Anette has always been helpful with CJ but gets a little anxious when he starts crying, as I am sure anyone who has not really been around babies would be. Still I have noticed lately that Anette has started to get past the fear of CJ's cry and really get to enjoy him. He loves to crack a lil smile for her..which adds evidence to her claim that she is his favorite..after me and his daddy of course. I don't know if his Mina would agree with that though lol.

CJ Discovered his Foot!

This morning CJ and I were having our morning chat and he spotted something new. The expression on his face was adorable as his eyes got big and he stared down at his foot. I wish I had a camera handy!! It took him a few minutes to coordinate his hands and arms to reach out and touch it. I am sure in a week or so he will be able to reach down and have a firm grip on his newly discovered foot. Hahaha too cute!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

CJ's Two Month Milestones!!

Oh Wow!! I am so amazed that CJ is already 2 months old. Didn't I just blog about him being 1 month?? He is growing and picking up on things so quickly. He has his own baby vocabulary now that just melts my heart. He also has given just about everybody a definite smile. CJ loves to stick out his tongue and chew on his hand. Uh oh..he may start teething soon!  CJ recognizes his name and my voice! He knows his mommy is! I love my lil man!

Favorite Pic of the Week (6/10/11)

Ahahaha CJ delivers with another silly face. This one is a little blurry but it still leaves me tickled pink. :) This was CJ and Dad spending some time together after not seeing each other for 3 days b/c Cory couldn't join us on the road trip. Aww how I love them!

CJ's First Road Trip

On Friday, Cj, Mina, Anette and I set out for Reno. It took us about 7 hours and went very well. I was a little worried about how my lil man would do but I should have known he was going to be great. Road trips are in his blood lol.
He started off bright-eyed, talking and making silly faces at his mommy. If only he knew he was about to spend his whole day in a car seat!
Once we got moving...he was knocked out about five minutes into the trip. That's my boy!

While in Reno CJ met a lot of new people. He got to meet his Hawaiian Aunts who just happened to throw us a second baby shower. It was a lot of fun and CJ got more clothes diapers and money to get other goodies.He got to meet pretty much everyone who works at the Nevada National Guard! And of course he got lots of love from his mommy's closest friends. CJ was so calm throughout the trip too! He was passed around so much and although I was a lil anxious about that he just took it all in. He even cracked a smile for a few ladies :).  I heard 100 times how alert and strong he is because he will gaze so intensely at the people around him and he holds/turns his head so effortlessly. Overall it was a good trip that gives me hope for the next big one...Florida!! We are going so CJ can meet his Daddy's family! Of course we will not be driving that one..but I just hope he is not THAT baby on the plane that disrupts everyone else. I think he will be fine though. 2 weeks...stay tuned!